November Board Minutes
Chuck Lindsey, OVR PCA Secretary
Board Meeting, Tuesday, November 12th, 2024 at Ferrari’s Little Italy
Attending Officers:
President: Jeff Clark, Secretary: Chuck Lindsey
Attending Committee Chairs:
Driver Education: Jeff Woodard, Rally/Tours: Steve Krekeler, Membership: Kathie Hunter, Web Site: Paul Sonoda
Attending Members and Guests:
Kathy Lindsey, Dan Tracey, David McCarty, Jack Rubenbauer, David Toney, Laura Zappia, Kurt Niemeyer, David Parks, Gwynne Krekeler, Craig Lewis, Lakshmi Sammarco, Larry D’Amico, Younce Alexander, Kourtney Alexander, Mike Szabo
Call to Order
6:51 p.m. by President Jeff Clark and welcome to all attendees.
Presidents Report:
President Clark asked for a motion/second to approve the minutes of the last meeting; receiving a motion and a second, the motion passed. OVR PCA has had a successful season and a full review of all 2024 events is being conducted and a report will be made back to the membership. The Board election this year will be conducted via electronic voting through the OVR PCA webpage. Ballots will be on the webpage in the next 2 weeks. Please check for email concerning submitting 3 club member vehicles for the OVR PCA Annual Dinner indoor display at the Sharonville Convention Center on December 6th, 2024.
Vice President:
No report.
No report.
No report.
The new Autocross trailer has had the new Martini Racing graphics installed. We are still looking for new home for the 2025 Autocross events.
No report.
Driver Education:
Jeff Woodard reported that they are working on the March 2025 drivers class to be held at the Coroner’s Office and will have more details to follow in the near future.
No Report.
Kathie Hunter reported that in the last 12 months the club has gained 138 members but lost 273 due to non-renewals. Kathie stated that the club is stagnant and it is important to reach out for renewals to members who allowed their membership to expire. National PCA only does email renewal via e-mail. Kathie stated that she sends reminders and written notices to members via the U.S. mail. Kathie passed out a 12-month membership statistical report to all attendees.
Craig Lewis takes over Membership beginning in January 2025. Dave Collins comes home on Thursday. He has been hospitalized since February 2024 after having 24 surgeries. He is a 36 year member of OVR PCA.
Members at Large:
No report.
No report.
Social Events:
The Gemeinschaft Bourbon Tasting Event at the Merchant’s Club on November 14th is booked. Total allowed is 60. We have 15 people on waiting list.
No report.
Past President:
No report.
No report.
No report.
Web Site:
Paul Sonoda reports he is working on better event notifications and reminders for the webpage calendar.
Old Business:
Reminder that all Bent Pylon articles need to be submitted to Paul Sonoda at
New Business:
The next Board meeting will be December 10th, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. at Ferrari’s Little Italy.
Good of Order:
None to report.
Motion to adjourn:
President Clark made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:12 p.m.; seconded and approved.
Respectfully Submitted,
Chuck Lindsey, OVR PCA Secretary