October Board Minutes

Chuck Lindsey, OVR PCA Secretary

Board Meeting, Tuesday, October 8th, 2024 at Ferrari’s Little Italy

Attending Officers:

President: Jeff Clark, Vice President: Gerardo Nucete, Secretary: Chuck Lindsey

Attending Committee Chairs:

Autocross: Bill Kief, Concours: Mark Wilson, Driver Education: Jeff Woodard, Web Site: Paul Sonoda

Attending Members and Guests:

Kathy Lindsey, Larry D’Amico, Phil Dougherty, Andrew Pollman, Donny Wang, Rene Robichaud, David Parks, Jack Rubenbauer, Trevor Barber, Gabriel Venzin, Sonja Venzin, David Gardner, Diane Herron.

Call to Order

6:52 p.m. by President Jeff Clark and welcome to all attendees.

Presidents Report:

President Clark asked for a motion/second to approve the minutes of the last meeting; receiving a motion and a second, the motion passed.

President Clark welcomed all first time attendees and gave a small report. All is going smoothly in the club and we are in great shape. President Clark made a toast in honor of Mike Valentine, he will be missed and we are working on a future memorial event. The goal is to keep the membership engaged over the winter with Board meetings, social meetings and tech session events. There is an event this Friday at White Allen Porsche, event Saturday at Eclipse Window Tint, USB Cars & Coffee event on Saturday and an event on Sunday at The Monkey Bar & Grille. See more details on our website calendar.

Vice President:

Vice President Nucete reported that one of his main duties is ensuring insurance coverage for club events and assured everyone that the Mid-Ohio event was covered. The annual member party will be December 6 th at the Sharonville Convention Center. There will be Porsche cars inside the event, there is a nearby hotel with available rooms, the price will be $30.00 per member and there will be a cash bar. There was a motion and a second to approve a $500.00 refundable deposit for the event, the motion passed. There is no charge for the space. More information will be forthcoming. Vice President Nucete reported that there are upcoming elections and for anyone interested in running for the Board to contact President Clark.


No report.


Secretary Lindsey reminded all attendees to please sign in for accurate count of attendance at our meetings.



Bill Kief reported that since losing the 5/3 rd bank course location the club is still looking for a new home for the club Autocross events. Anyone knowing of possible locations please contact Bill Kief.


Mark Wilson reported that they have been busy. The Taste of Harrison, Mason Heritage Festival and Taste of New Richmond events were

successful and well attended. There is an upcoming Porsche Cruise In at Eclipse Window Tinting this Saturday from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Driver Education: The Autumn Thunder HPDE event at Mid-Ohio was October 4 th , 5 th and 6 th . We had 142 registrations, lots of volunteers and great weather.

We are looking for event instructors for next year. All 4 regions have agreed to run assigned group colors in 2025. We are in discussions with Mid-Ohio on 2025 track fees and the dates for Mid-Ohio events in 2025 are May 30 th , 31 st and June 1st and October 3 rd , 4 th and 5 th . An article with more information is forthcoming in the Bent Pylon Online. There will be additional HPDE training classes at the Hamilton County Coroner facility in 2025.


No Report.


President Clark reported that it is Kathie Hunter’s birthday and wished it to be a happy one. President Clark read a report from Kathie Hunter. There were 14 new members and one test drive. There were anniversary celebrations for membership longevity for members from 1 year to 44 years.

Members at Large:

No report.


No report.

Social Events:

No report.


Phil Dougherty reported that in 2024 there was a Kentucky Tour, Athens Back Road Tour, small run to the Bellefontaine Hill Climb Revival and a 1st time West Virginia Country Road Tour.

Past President:

No report.


No report.


No report.

Web Site:

Paul Sonoda reports that viewership is down but visits to the website were up. The challenge is keeping the audience in the winter when there will be fewer events.

Old Business:

Reminder that all Bent Pylon articles need to be submitted to Paul Sonoda at admin@ovrpca.org .

New Business:

The next Board meeting will be November 12 th , 2024 at 6:00 p.m. at Ferrari’s Little Italy.

Good of Order:

None to report.

Motion to adjourn:

President Clark made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:37 p.m.; seconded and approved.

Respectfully Submitted,

Chuck Lindsey, OVR PCA Secretary


November Board Minutes


September 2024