April Board Minutes

Chuck Lindsey, OVR PCA Secretary

• Board Meeting, Tuesday, April 9th, 2024 at Ferrari’s Little Italy.

Attending Officers: President: Jeff Clark, Vice President: Gerardo Nucete, Secretary: Chuck Lindsey

Attending Committee Chairs: Concours: Mark Wilson, Driver Education: Jeff Woodward, Member at Large: Mike Valentine, Membership: Kathie Hunter, Web Site: Paul Sonada, Social Events: J.C. Stadnik.

Attending Members and Guests: Deanna Ashing, Betsy Stadnik, Craig & Jan Lewis, Todd Majeski, Larry D’Amico, Ruth & Fred Zacharias, Ed Busam, John Payne, Joe Ress, Laura Zappia, Mark Walton, Jack Rubenbauer, and Kurt Niemeyer.

Call to Order at 6:09 p.m. by President Jeff Clark. Welcome to all new members and name badges are available for order. Motion to approve previous meeting minutes; seconded, and approved.

Presidents Report:

President Clark reported that the Sozo Spring Concours Parade of Excellence is on April 27th. Please check out the new OVR PCA webpage and our new Calendar of Events. More events will be added daily so check the calendar often. Dave Collins continues in hospital since February. April 16th Mike Valentine will be at the Metropolitan Club as the guest speaker for their Metropolitan Motor Club event. The Drei Staaten Gruppe 48th Annual Bull Session event at Sharon Woods is May 19th. The annual Wings & Wheels event will be May 11th at the Tri-State Warbird Museum. President Clark has two tickets available for the Costa Mesa Air/Water Porsche event on April 27th – contact him if interested. PCA National has announced that effective May 1st dues increase to $56.00 for 1 year, $110.00 for 2 years, and $162.00 for 3 year membership. The dues have not been increased in the last 13 years. More information on the increases can be found on the OVR PCA webpage.

Vice President:

Vice President Nucete reported that the New Member Party will be on May 4th from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Eclipse Window Tinting. The 1st Autocross event of the year is May 4th at the 5/3rd bank lot. The Indiana Backroads Tour is on August 17th. The club will be adding more Gemeinschaft events that will include a Newport River Boat Row Friday night fireworks event and a Mason Heritage Festival Parade event and Concours in September. Special thanks to Paul Sonada for his outstanding work on the new OVR PCA webpage. Request for webpage content submissions – photos, and articles from all members. Committee heads were reminded to update their webpage activity descriptions.

Treasurer: No Report.

Secretary: Secretary Lindsey reminded all attendees to please sign in for an accurate count of attendance when attending meetings. A reminder that the PCA webstore has OVR PCA Region logo clothing that is available for purchase and our new OVR PCA Webstore on our webpage has logo clothing and accessories available for purchase.



President Clark reported that the first event of the year will be May 4th. The new trailer has been received and a request made for a new Honda generator and laptop computer.


Mark Wilson reported that the Concours Master Class was well attended with 30 participants. The 2023 annual Howard Rapp Memorial Trophy plaque award was presented to Kurt Niemeyer.

Driver Education:

Jeff Woodward reported that the March 3rd driver skills seminar had 104 students. This event will be held again next year. May 31st to June 2nd is the Jerry Wolf June Classic HPDE event at Mid-Ohio. There are only a few spots still open and filling fast – you can still register for this event at www.clubregistration.net. The Mid-Ohio rates charged to OVR PCA did not increase this year – the same cost as last year. HPDE has added a Track Manager position to their staff so as to groom a future DE Chairman.


No Report.


Kathie Hunter reported that she has not been receiving PCA email information on member renewals and that when she contacted PCA she was told that she had been removed as the OVR PCA contact. Kathie reported that OVR PCA has lost 50 members in the last 2 months. There are 1,263 total members with 600 associate members. There have been lots of transfers of members to other Regions.

Members at Large:

Mike Valentine reported his Taycan is gone and replaced with a Mercedes EQS. Mike is looking to share a garage at the upcoming Mid-Ohio HPDE event – contact him if interested. On April 16th Mike is the guest speaker for the Metropolitan Motor Club event being held at the Metropolitan Club. Please contact him with any topics who would want him to expound upon during his appearance.

Social Events:

J.C. Stadnik reported that members should check the webpage frequently to see all the scheduled events. There are many new event locations this year on weekends and weekdays. Upcoming events at Warped Wings, Ladies Night Out event at deSha’s, Third Eye Brewing, Wooden Cask Brewery, Little Miami Brewing and many other locations in the works.


President Clark reported on behalf of Steve Krekler that the Kentucky Spring Tour is May 18th. The annual Athens Back Road Tour is July 12th and 13th. Working on a West Virginia Fall Weekend Run October 12th and 13th – more information forthcoming.

Past President:

No report.


No report.


No report.

Web Site:

Paul Sonoda requests that all Committee heads please log in and activate new Gmail accounts. There is a Google form available on the webpage to register.

Old Business:

No Report.

New Business:

The Greater Cincinnati Miata Club is hosting its Spring Classic Driving Tour XII in New Richmond on April 20th.

Good of Order:

Our meeting location next month has not been set and is to be announced. It will be a social meeting only.

Motion to adjourn: President Clark made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:46 p.m.; seconded and approved.

Respectfully Submitted,

Chuck Lindsey, OVR PCA Secretary


OVR Updates


Great Turnout for OVR’s P3 Tech Session